One of my false percs died for no reason!


I had two false percs (ocellarus clowns) for about a month now and from the beginning they were inseperable. They slept together, swam together and explored new rocks or coral together. They never fought and got along great with the other fish in the tank. One was even starting to outgrow the other, changing to female I assume. Well this morning one little guy was laying on his side where he always used to lay on the bottom of the tank after lights out. He always slept there with the other one right next to him. He was swimming fine, color was great, no marks or irregular behavior and ate yesterday too.
I am so sad and the other clown looks a little lost too. Any ideas what happened?? Also can another clown be added, they were still kinda small (1.5"). He also was very friendly always following as you walk by the tank.
He will be missed.


Active Member
Sorry for your loss. I had a pair of O. clowns and one jumped a few months ago. The other one looked confused for a little while but recovered just fine. It's always a gamble to add another one, I tried and had big problems.


Active Member
Originally Posted by damselz
Forgot to mention, I added a Sebae Anemone on Friday, could that have done it??

I wouldn't think so unless the sebae somehow made your levels spike.


Today the other one died :notsure:

I am so sad and confused. Other fish seem fine though. I did notice that the clown's color looked a little different, like you could actually see his scales, normally he just looked smooth.
Any suggestions on what to do from here to prevent this from happening again. The tank is a little over a month old so could it not be established enough??? I don't know.


Active Member
Originally Posted by damselz
Today the other one died :notsure:

I am so sad and confused. Other fish seem fine though. I did notice that the clown's color looked a little different, like you could actually see his scales, normally he just looked smooth.
Any suggestions on what to do from here to prevent this from happening again. The tank is a little over a month old so could it not be established enough??? I don't know.

hmm it sounds like brooklynella