One of my percs really pale, plz. help!


One of my 3 percs has gotten really pale, he's eating but not like he should be. Any ideas whats wrong with the little fella'?


Staff member
Please read the FAQ thread that talks about details needed for posting. It is just below the info on QT.


that's not a very good pic, but i couldn't get a better one, its from about a week ago, he's even paler now.
Here's how he was before this


Staff member
How long have you had the fish? Any new fish additions? How are the other fish doing? Is this acting normal except for the paleness? What are your water readings? Notice any swollen or red gills? Rapid or abnormal gilling? Redness in the white stripe areas? Swollen abdomen? What are you feeding the fish?


The fish looks completely normal other than this.
I have had him for a couple of weeks, since then, I have added 2 green chromis but they do not bother him.
The other fish are bigger and in full color, very healthy.
The water readings are tra 0 tri 0 amm 0 sal. 1.025
I feed him an assortment of hikari pellets, garlic soaked brine, and various flakes and plankton, he eats wonderfully.
Do you think he is just so submissive that he doesn't become colorful?