One of my Tangs...


has had a white dry looking line that runs from his eye to his tail on both sides. He has had this for a long time. What is it? I asked a LFS about it and he said my power heads can cause this from the electric current going through them??? Said something about buying a probe to put in the water? Any help on this subject would be great. THanks.


Is that HLLE? It looks like the line runs right down his lateral line. Do a search for HLLE (lateral line disease)


you don't have an electrically charged fish!! That was some bogus advise from your LFS. It may be a sign of lack of nutrition, a sign of disease or a abnl color/marking variation. Tangs must receive seaweed/algae in their diet to remain in full health. How long has he had this marking and what does he eat on a regular basis?


I dont think I was feeding him to good. I talk to another LFS and they said lack of nutrition. So I am giving him those seaweed sheets, formula 1 and 2, mysis shrimp, blood worms, and brine shrimp. I mix it up. He eats everything. I ordered a probe just in case. The same LFS said that could be a possibility and for only $10 why not get it just in case?


:notsure: ok carp try the probe thing out, but i am more interested in how he look in 3-4 weeks later on this new good diet. I use lots of submerged power heads without any electrically affected fish, but i guess anything is possible and we learn new stuff all the time! good luck!


I know. But I have had now 3 LFS tell me it is good to put a probe in there just in case. So screw it. Why risk it. But I have a feeling it is his diet. He will be fed better. Will this line ever go away? From what I heard, No???


the probe is definetly something to purchase for any fish tank. the HLLE can be caused by stray electrical current (ground probe solves that) and poor water quality and nutrition.
My achilles tang started to get HLLE so i switched to RO/DI water and started using JUlian Sprungs Sea Veggies and added Kent Marnie C (vitamin C) to the food. The HLLE cleared up in less than a month.