one of my yellow tangs died

I found one yellow tang dead today after I got up! :( I checked the water parameter and they read:
Amonia = 0
NitrIte = 0
NitrAte = 5
Salinity = 1.023
Temperature = 80
The only thing that I have added were 2 feather dusters, and that was 2 weeks ago.


If you could answer these questions first it might help us help you. Thanks
Any other fish in the tank?
What and how often have you been feeding it?
How long have you had this tang?
Have you ever keep a tang before?
1 percula clownfish
1 blue damselfish
1 starfish
1 other yellow tang.
I feed twice a day .... I feed Formula 2 Flake (the green flake) and Prime Reef Formula flake. I've tried feeding Seaweed Selects and plain old Nori, and they never take the stuff.
I have had the tang(s) since end of November.
Any input would be helpful ... Thank you.


all I can think of is your tang was VERY stressed... yellows especially are quite skittish... they need their holes-and-caves to bolt into when frightened... I would think with no LR or much to hide in, he got so stressed he died...
also, tangs like to graze all day instead of one or two big feedings...try and get some lr in there and some macros growing for them...
Drew :)
Since November. And, I put seaweed selects (the green one), and he or the other one never took to it. I feed the Formula 2 flake & they prefer that.


Tangs definitely need rocks as hiding places. But the also need them because they grow a lot of algae which they will pick at all day long. Very sorry about your loss. :(


New Member
I've got a small 1.5" Yellow Tang in QT right now. It has a voracious appetite though. I use Tenera Blue (rolled up and rubber-banded to a pvc pipe in the QT). I've also fed mysis shrimp and brine, and Formula 1 flake food. It seems to eat all the above. I think that if you don't have hiding places, PVC piping makes for a cheap makeshift hiding places for fish until you get real LR. (I bought a bunch at lowes and it cost less than 5 bucks - all different sizes and shapes, the fish in QT love them.)