One repetetive glass drilling question


135 gallon glass tank.
25 gallon acrylic sump
will buy a 30-40 gallon glass tank for refugium.
Plan is to drill two holes in the dt. One drain and one return. where and what size?
Also conecting sump and refugium with a bulkhead fitting. What size of hole and where?


If you want to drill a return then you should probably put in two for latter if you get a switching device. You should have 2 returns also how were you thinking of doing the overflows?
All so do you plan on doing this your self or having a glass company do it?
The small tank will be harder to drill when I tried my 55 the whole thing was tempered glass and it shattered. You should connect the sump and the Refuge with a U-tube that extends to the bottom of both tanks and they will level them selves.



I want to drill the holes on this end of the tank. plumbing will go through the sidewall of the stand.
Will make a skimmer for the inside of the tank. Should these holes be drilled near the bottom of the tank?
I'm thinking 1 1/4" drain and 1"return.
Will this work?


The Firewall here wont let me see the pics that you attached soo... try 500x500 JPG and well see if that works. It’s about every other pic works but none of the ones you posted are visible to me.


does anyone sell an acrylic wier for the inside of the dt. All I have found is the filter/overflow


No this Proxy blocks any linked pic's and it blocks and "media" pages.
I’m not sure what you mean by "wier" but if you want an overflow in your tank you can make them pretty easy.
This is what I have set up for my 125gal, I drilled the holes like 4” below the top of my tanks. Then I got a long 12-18” overflow from the LFS and cut it in half and drilled the same hole in the back when I lined it up. Then I put it in the tank with the bulkhead and siliconed it in place. It works good I use a little giant 1200gph and it works but it is a bit loud with the bulkhead being right there at the top it sucks a lot of air so I plugged the tee at the top of the pipe and just let a small amount of air in and it was a lot quieter.
Here are some other options you have for an overflow if I was to do it again I would drill the bottom and build and overflow for the corner. I’m sure you can find some one to build you one for somewhat cheap if you don’t want to build them.
you can E-mail me the pics



exactly what I'm talking about. Good info. I'll make the overflow. Will send an email with photos and a better explanation. Hope you dont mind.
Thanks again for the help.


Here are some Ideas I had for your tank. You should put in a closed loop in your tank while you’re drilling. The two one inch returns should be enough that’s what I have but they also siphon then suck air so maybe some larger ones would be better. I have one 1” return for my little giant 1200gph and its fine, I think most pumps for your size tanks would use a 1” PVC.
On your fuge so you don’t have to drill it you can use a u tube that extends to the bottom of both tanks and once the siphon is started the two tanks will equalize.
Then you will have to figure out what you will use for a anti siphon on your return. I like the in tank venture that would spay water out of a ¼ airline back into the tank.



Can I drill the exact set up that you put in the attachment and skip the closed loop part. I'm afraid too many holes on that small pane of glass will compromise it's strength. I like the venturi deal. will figure that today too.
UPS dropped all of my equipment of last night except the pump. Pump arrives today and I'll drill the holes today. Live rock arrives Friday. I'm pushing the limit on getting the tank running before rock arrives.
I'll learn patience.
Thanks for the help
JJ. You overseas? Thanks for your service to the country. We wouldnt be worrying about saltwater tanks if it wasnt for our volunteers in the armed forces. If you're ever in Las Vegas I'll have a hot meal and a beer ready.