one single polyp help!!!


ok i just bought one little polyp and it laying on the sand. i tried to place it so it wouldn't get caught in the flow thingys but it just moved anyway. what should i do? should i just let it go where it wants? please help me!


Active Member
2 possibilities..
Drill holes in a small tupperware, put some of your sand/gravel in it with the coral on top of the substrate within the container. Let it set on the bottom for a week or so till it attaches to the substrate.
Or, do the same in a shot glass sitting right side up in a lower flow area.


thanks for replying so fast!
i don't have any small pieces of rock. and no superglue.
so take a shot glass and put sand in it and let it sit at the bottom of the tank for a week?


i have no idea!!!!!!!

i know i know....but i have this diabetes medicine that makes my short term memory ....well it makes it ...short!! so i really can never remember what i bought! <<<< dumb %$#& !

ok but for real...the zoa (i gonna assume that's the same as a polyp) is pink in the center and has kinda longer white things around the outside of it. and then i got this long thing kinda looks like a tree of frogspawn. i can put a pic up tomarrow if it opens. but i loved the look of this lil pink flower looking thing at the bottom of his frag tank and he said i could have it but it isn't attached to anything. and i'm new to the whole reef thing and i have no idea how to make this thing attach.
BTW i really am on meds that affect my memory for my my diabetes, that wasn't a joke.


LOL me too but i take like 7

everyday! sux but i guess i should start writing down what i buy!
ok so what do you think? should i just let it hang out in the sand for tonight or should i try the shotglass thing?


just remembered that the other one i got was a torch something or other!!!!
torch torch!!!!
i remembered!! i knew i had right on the tip of my tongue!!!


Active Member
Polyps, and other softies, do tend to move around if not attached to a piece of rock. Noit necessarily a bad thing if you have a bunch of polyps-they will find a good spot, and set up home if they find a good spot. Since it sounds like you do have just a single polyp, putting it into a little plastic tub w/rock bits is a good idea. I assume you have at least some rock? You can take a piece out and hit it with a hammer to make some little bits for the polyp to attach to. A soft drink or water bottle will also work-cut off the bottom couple of inches of it, cut some holes in the side of it, and place the bottle bottom with rock pieces and the polyp into your tank. Once the polyp does attach itself to a bit of rock, then you can superglue it pretty much anywhere you want to.
Love my torch coral-one of my faves. Post some pics when you have the time!
P.S. Love your avatar-almost as cute as my pup Goldie-the one on the left in my avatar!


oh thank you!!!

i am so grateful, i am sitting here looking at my lil lost friend not knowing what to do!!!!! LOL
ok so thats what i'm gonna do. but won't a soda can in the tank contaminate the tank? (gonna do it anyway, not like i haven't had my hands in it trying to find this lil guy a spot)!
yeah it's just one soft lil piece almost the size of a flower petal. when it opens it looks like a pink sun. pretty! ok gonna go do that and thanks again. wish me luck!
and BTW my avatar is my sisters american bulldog named capone he is the stupidest most human like dog you'll ever meet!! they are running around like crazy trying to get this medicine for his seizures tho. ever heard of a dog having seizures??


Active Member
Plastic soda bottles is what I was thinking of-just trim one down with scissors or a knife.
yeah, my friends dog was on seizure meds for years, and my old dog who died a couple of years ago had a couple of seizures. But hey, we still love 'em and that's why we do what we can for them!