one skimmer or two

keith burn

Active Member
ok i have a Prizm Pro Deluxe protein skimmer and it works good.
i am moveing into a 125gal soon do i get a new bigger skimmer or get one more like i have?

pros and cons

thanks for the help


Active Member
You need to ditch the prizm and get a real offense. Look at Euro-Reef, Aqua-C, ASM...something in the correct size for your 125. You will have a sump correct?

keith burn

Active Member
Originally Posted by promisetbg
You need to ditch the prizm and get a real offense. Look at Euro-Reef, Aqua-C, ASM...something in the correct size for your 125. You will have a sump correct?
yes a 55gal with a fuge
and yes i know a big skimmer will better but with 2 i can run one on my q/a tank if i need too.


Active Member
A prizm is'nt built for proper skimming, and unless you have had a good skimmer, you may not understand the difference. Prizm's don't have a tower that the foam can build in. If cost is an issue, look at Coralife super's a step up from the prizm. Having two skimmers=2 pumps=more heat.


Active Member
not only heat (the big skimmer may have a pump that produces more heat than two small skimmer pumps), contact time of the bubbles with the water in two small skimmers will still be shorter than the contact time in one large skimmer. The larger one will be more efficient all things being equal.


since you're buying a new one no matter what, you are faced with a problem that every skimmer has. just buy a good one.