one small white spot on eye?


hello everyone,
my fish has one small white spot on its eye. only one. its much smaller than his eye and very white. in fact it looks like one grain of coarse sand. it doesn't look as small as ich but not as large and cloudy as popeye. what could it be? i can't treat him if i don't know what it is. i'm very worried about his health...
thanks for your input!


Staff member
When did this develop and was there any stressful reason for this to develop? Also, is it a discoloration of the eye or does it look like there is something attached to the eye? How is the fish doing otherwise?


thanks for responding so quickly beth,
i have only noticed it just today. but if i can nip it in the bud the sooner the better. i have had him for a little more than a month and no problems at all. he eats like its going out of style, swims around and around, no hiding, swims with my other fish (there's only two)... nothing unusual. i can't think of any stressful reason. oh wait! my CBS lost one of claws last week. maybe a fight? but why would it turn up now? i notice everything in my tank and the spot is very obvious. it looks like there is something attached to his eye. no discoloration his eye is as black as it ever was. sand perhaps? how do i get it out? will he lose his eye from the irritation?


please help! it defiitely looks like whatever it is in lodged in the clear part of the surface of his eye. is it dangerous? will it go away? can it be removed? don't want it to become infected...


New Member
I have a coldwater aquarium and my killies have a small white spot on each eye. NO OTHER SYMPTOMS. They are as curious and swimmy and eaty as always. I'm hoping someone comes up with a diagnosis before it gets worse. (IF IT WILL)