well I'm one step closer to getting set up in my own bussiness I did some work with the city clerks office and code enforcement today. Trying to start a bussiness is nerve wracking to say the least, kind of like buying your first house.
Originally Posted by spanko http:///forum/post/2719676
Will you share what it is or is it confidential until you get the up front stuff done?
I think it would be a conflict of interest if I posted information about it here, I also believe it would violate SWF rules, and get me banned possibly. So I cant and I wont, I like participating on this board, and dont intend to jepordize that. You can probably guess what it is, but I cannot post any information about it. It wont be internet based but I still think SWF would find it a conflict of interest for me to discuss it here. Sorry.
Originally Posted by kclester http:///forum/post/2719748
souds cool man i hope everythinggoes well for you.......and i dont know if anyone has tld you but i LOVE your avatar lol
I actually have had this avatar for an while then switched and there was an open revolt and I was forced to take back my old penquin avatar, which is fine because I liked it better than the one I switched to.
Originally Posted by reefkprZ http:///forum/post/2719752
I actually have had this avatar for an while then switched and there was an open revolt and I was forced to take back my old penquin avatar, which is fine because I liked it better than the one I switched to.
Are you talking about that stupid snail thing?