one week old 10 gallon pics


Here is my one week old 10 gallon nano. Its all painted and I built an internal filter to get rid of bulk around the tank. Im just running a 24" fluorescent light untill I decide which one to buy. :notsure:



:happyfish LOOKS GREAT I love your side filter desigen Ill have to let myfriend now about that good job!!!! :jumping:


Great looking tank. I have a 10 also, and run a 20'' 80W Orbit light fixture. My corals seem to really like the light. HTH


Those kind of lights can be expensive for replacement bulbs. But i hear they work well enough.


Originally Posted by Balltung75
How bout these
*Link Removed*
i dont think u can post links to other sites


* yes it is a starter tank from walmart/mod
* how much do you guess replacement bulbs would run
* If admin. wanted to delete this thread/ban me they could I wouldnt care that much


Originally Posted by Balltung75
* yes it is a starter tank from walmart/mod
* how much do you guess replacement bulbs would run
* If admin. wanted to delete this thread/ban me they could I wouldnt care that much
On that site they said 30 bucks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Saltyfishy
On that site they said 30 bucks.
I have this fixture on my nano, they get pretty hot, so a clip on fan is also needed. I don't think the bulbs are over priced, remember you are getting all 4 lights for the system.


Good deal I just bough those lights, probably get here monday and I purchased my cleanup crew:
1 peppermint shrimp
8 blue legged crabs
5 astrai snails


Originally Posted by Balltung75
Its just a clip to hold seaweed. I feed it to my livestock to keep them alive when the tank is alrdy clean
dude thanks i been looking all over for this can u please tell me how u built the side filter and what equipment do u have i have a 20 and thinking about downsizing because i have an odyysea compact 65 watt and i still dont have enough light please show me how u buil the side filter :help:


Materials: silicone, plexiglass, spray paint, filter media, 1 power head, razor blade, dremel
* measure off the plexiglass and score it with the razor blade, then snap it in half so its the right size
* Measure another small piece to section the new filter in half and cut it
* dremel off a few slits on the top of the filter for overflow
* then dremel off slits in the bottom of the dividing piece
* drill a hole for the power head outake
* silicone the pieces into the tank
* place in the media and power head
*paint off the sectioned filter