onespot foxface


i just got this fish a few days ago...
does this fish swim around like tangs, or remain in one area like clowns?
my fish seems scared usually.. does it take them longer to adjust?
it also sees us and changes its color to light beige...
whats the story with them? :notsure:


Active Member
They change color when stressed.... Thats normal. He does like to swim, and get fairly large... what size tank do you have him in??? an FYI: Thier dorsal fins are venomous.... so becarefun wth your hand in teh tank


ya i know about their spines.. i dont touch him.. i got a 75G tank.. he is only like 4inches.. but he has been VERY shy the past 2 days. i was just wondering how long will he be this way.. his color is always changing, so he is scared or stressed always.. my water is great, so maybe he is still adjusting..
just how long does he take? i hope he begins to swim around a lot.. he looks nice.


New Member
i had foxface before it took about 2 weeks before it acted normal would change colors .When the lite came on in the am it looked like a dif fish .Awesome fish JUST GIVE IT SOME TIME IT WILL COME AROUND


Active Member
Hey mona, I had one a while back. I actually just had a normal foxface lo, same thing. For the first few days it will change color and be a little stresed. Mine took a week, but after that it was full of life after that. And when I would be by the tank he would always follow me. The thing that sucked is one day I couldnt find him in my tank. I later found out he ommited suicide and jumped out the back of my tank. He was dried up by the time I found him.


wow u have my condolences...i guess i will wait for a few days or weeks n see if he improves..


Active Member
Mine took about 6 weeks before it really came around. Now he comes right up to my hand when I feed the tank, yes I do jump back fast, still very nervous when it does that. :scared:


he/she doesn't want to get spiked by the fishes fin as it's poisonous. Just overly cautious i guess. If you happen to get spiked run the area under the hottest water you can stand and you should be fine unless you have an alergic reaction. Spikings are very rare and I have read of people hand feeding these with no problems.


ya i dont think they come and try to spike u.. it puts the spikes up when it feels threatened..
also, i dont think its venemous. maybe just thorny.. i dont see anything excreting.


Active Member
Yes, it is venomous. And yes, I jump back. I know it's their for the food and not to prick me, but the thought of getting pricked by accident is not a risk I am going to take.
I love the fish now that it has come around. The personality is really coming out now.