Online Live Rock


New Member
I live in Fayetteville, NC, and the LFS here are not really the greatest. Greenesboro has an awesome LFS, but it is over 2 hours away. I am looking to purchase LR online and am wondering if anyone has had any bad experiences.


New Member
I have a 125 gal, newly setup (since this past Christmas) I have about 10 red legged hermits, an emerald crab and a peppermint shrimp in there. I know i need probably about 100 pounds, but I want to start slowly (budget). I can add more later by curing it in a 29 gallon tank I am not using right now.


i have done both, i have driven 4 hours to the LFS to get the rock, and i have had it shipped from the same place. The drive was nice the first time cause i got to see the rock and handpick. the order that was shipped i told the guy what i was looking for and he shipped it usps and it arrived same day for the reg ground ship price. It was really just a good way to save money on gas. Most live rock is good online from good dealers. Just remeber to cure it.


it.. is.. TOTALLY worth the 2 hour drive.. Think about it like this.. in two hours you should have ZERO die off(which you will if you order it) and you will be able to pick out the best rocks they have not just something someone throws in a box.
On the other hand i had very good luck ordering mine online BUT i have seen pics of people who got screwed.