Only reason Im still in this. My BlueFace angel

crypt keeper

Active Member
It has finally started to come out more from its loan rock in the QT. Is this fish pretty or what? It sorta posed for me which is odd. Normally I walk over and it hides. This fish is a pig. Ate almost instantly. I Cut up some pieces of the angel food and mysis shrimp dropped them in the tank and its like a great white shark attacking a seal. Tore up a algae sheet a two days ago. Im happy I bought him.



Active Member
Absolutely gorgeous! The second pic looks like it's saying please don't give me a cool home! I'll love you forever! That fish is definitely a good reason to not give up. How many people can say that they have such beautiful fish like we do?


Active Member
One of the prettiest angels available. One I kept before was gorgeous and ate everything. It was pushy with some butterflies and wrasses though. I've always thought a tank with a blueface, and a bunch of small yellowtail damsels would be stunning. Hope it does well for you.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Man your two angels are just as gorgeous. The fish really is a traffic stopper. Im sticking with it. I love this hobby. I guess when you get tested the frustration can just build up and you want to walk away because its cost so much heartache, time, and money. You have something to a point where it was looking great everything had leveled off. Basic maintenance. I should have my 75 running in no time.
My trates are little high in my tank. I did a water change yesterday. What would be causing this?

crypt keeper

Active Member
I have zero sand. The rock is curred. It been in my QT for months. This is the biggest fish I have had in the qt ever. Eats like a pig. Anybody else?
They wont cause me to lose my blueface will it? Im going to clean the filter today and do another change.


what a BEAUTIFUL fish!! it kinda looks like hanibal lector with the cage on his face and yellow bandanna on its eyes.. BEAUTIFUL!! you cant give up on that tank now for sure!!!

it's chuck

Could be from detritus built up in your filtration or overfeeding. Do you syphon the junk out of the bottom when you do water changes? Trates shouldn't be a problem unless the are in the hundreds as far as fish go, I personally don't like to see anything higher than 20 though

crypt keeper

Active Member
I went out and bought a bigger filter. The filter I had when I cleaned it today had a lot of left over food. I dont overfeed. Its just the one fish. I take a cube of the angel food and cut a 1/4 of it off then chop that up. 1 cube last almost a week. I also mix in a algae sheet every few days.
I did a big water change and added the new filter. Its double bio wheel instead of the single one. See how that works.


Active Member
This is the 30'ish gal QT, right? The double bio wheel will need a good bit of time to set up and become established, usually at least a week. However, really the only way to control water quality in QT's are through water changes. The biowheels and sponge filter we keep, are really just an assistant to frequent WC's.

crypt keeper

Active Member
I have been doing a water change every 3 to 4 days. The filter I had was weak. I chaned it to the bio wheel for a 70 gallon. Yeah its like 27 gallons. Its a very odd size.


Active Member
I have a 75g Marineland HOB and a Fluval 50g in-tank filter in my 55g QT. Does the bio-wheel cause much salt build up around it? One question I would have is, if there isn't any other filtration, might the tank start to cycle again? Absolutely stunning fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
It has finally started to come out more from its loan rock in the QT. Is this fish pretty or what? It sorta posed for me which is odd. Normally I walk over and it hides. This fish is a pig. Ate almost instantly. I Cut up some pieces of the angel food and mysis shrimp dropped them in the tank and its like a great white shark attacking a seal. Tore up a algae sheet a two days ago. Im happy I bought him.

looks very beautiful!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by BLACK COBRA
How big do these fish get and are they somewhat Reef Safe?
They get 15" in the wild, most captive specimens will get around a foot.
Not really what I'd call somewhat reef size. Mine has been fine with photosynthenic gorgonians and SPS corals. Also, large soft corals, 6"+ toadstools, big Kenya trees, etc should be fine. Any zoas/palys, smaller soft corals like xenia, and most LPS will be lunch. Or actually as I found out with mine, more a breakfast/late night snack.....