Only reason Im still in this. My BlueFace angel


Active Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
so an anenome and clowns would be legit? I was going to do FOWLR but i may add a few things. Frog spawn?
An amenome with clowns should be pretty safe. I have a BTA with clowns in my 125. The clowns should defend their host enough, but with a large adult angel, anythings possible I imagine.
As I mentioned above, LPS corals are some of the corals I'd suspect would be eaten. Funny enough, frogspawn is the one LPS mine as left alone and he's been with for over 9 months. However, that's probably a fish-by-fish thing, which corals, if any, he'll leave alone.

crypt keeper

Active Member
ahh we shall see what happens. i plan on a black and white pair for the 75 and flame and bi color and that will be the end of that fish list till I get a bigger tank for the blueface. Thank you again sir.