ONLY snails dying


does anyone know what would cause only my snails to die? i bought some from swf, and they only lived a few days, and even the ones i've had for a couple of years died. all levels and other animals (including all inverts) are great. if it helps, most were dead in their shells, only found a few that were cleaned out. one thing is certain, i found out who was doing the best job of keeping my tank clean - it looks noticeably worse now :(


Did you notice any little white specks on the snail shells. They are called pyramidellid (spelling?) snails, and they are predators to other snails. I also ordered some snails from SWF a few months ago and all my snails in the tank died. They look like little white fleas around the edge of the snail. I was told that a six-line wrasse eats these so I bought one before trying to add more snails. I've now had snails again for a couple months and have seen very few of the pyramidellid's.


I got 20 Turbo Astreas from SWF and have lost 10 of them.
It is not my water, it is the 5 Hawaiian Zebra Hermits I also ordered. These little crabs are tough. Any upside down snail gets it. I also got 5 Mexican Turbo Snails. They are large, almost like a golf ball, and seem to do a great job. Maybe you could try these. Unless it is your water.


levels are: amm-0, nitrate-under 10, nitrite-0, ph-8.0...i didn't test for copper, but all of my shrimp, clams, crabs, etc are fine. i did read that high phosphates could be the cause, and i do not have a test kit for that yet. i only have blue-legs and scarlets, no other crabs. also, only the snails i've had for awhile were cleaned from their shells - the new ones from swf died inside and were all stiff. i didn't see any white spots on the shells, and the large snails looked untouched. however, they are ALL empty/dead anyway:mad: what the crap.......i might have to try another wrasse, they are kind of cute anyway - thanks for the input!