

This morning, while feeding the fish and adding some marine snow for the corals, I unplugged my sump pump and my skimmer and just left the koralia in the tank running and a hob filter off the sump running. I intended to leave them off for an hour to give the coral time to feed----well, I fell asleep, and then woke up and went about my business. It ended up being off for about 4 hours. I am not sure if it somehow caused a drop in oxygen or lowered ph, or if my xenia reached out and touched my new hydnophora, which seems way too far away, but I have never had this happen to xenia before. It is purple, dark blue, and acting drunk. I hope it isn't dieing. By the time I got everything going and ran some tests, the water is fine. All other corals and fish and inverts are happy and business as usual. I dunno. I hope it makes it. I guess from now on I should set a timer.


Oh my.. So sorry to here that. It must have been the hydno. I thought that xenia were bullet proof. I had a xenia strivel up to a little stub. and a couple months later it came back. Did you take it out?