Open Brain & Clam Question


I have a 20 gal reef tank with 25lb LR and 20lbs LS.
I have the usual stock of mushrooms, zenia,zoos, polyps in it now. I also have hermits, snails, emerald crab, lawnmower blenny, and 1 false perc.
My lighting is 130watts PC.
I want to get a open brain or a clam but am unsure if either wil do well in my tank. Could I keep either of these corals?
My water quality is within normal range of where it should be and I do weekly 15-20% water changes.
Looking for opinions please


Tanks, Thats is what I was thinking, now I know.
Care for a brain...
Is there any special or non beginner care that a open brain requires?
I have read where you need to spot feed them. Could someone explain how to spot feed one please?


Active Member
i have a green 1 and its pretty much taken care of itself for me. i keep it in the sand and the only thing ido to it is swish the sand off of it when a fish is swishing around by it. i think i have spot fed it 1 time and its growing everyday w/o feeding spot feed just get like a eye dropper or turkey baster with the food you want in it and stick it in by the coral you want to feed and feed it. i do add phyto and cyclopeeze to my tank. this is coral food that they will feed off of by themselves