open brain coral


First off my system. It is a 10g main tank with the 96watt powerquad lighting system. It has 15lbs of live rock and about 30lbs of live sand. The filter system is a 20gallon long refug/sump with a mag pump that is rated at around 180gph at 3 feet. The system has been up and running for about 3 months and only has a handful of snails in it. To my question, I found an open brain coral for sale for $12, it has a little of the skeleton showing and the store didn't have the lighting system to keep it they said(must have been a trade in). I think my lighting is alright, but what else should I do to heal this coral and to make it flurish? Thanks all. I was also thinking about a frogspawn, would that be ok. I have read about that these corals need good light, but just wondering about going into a 10gallon tank. Thanks again


Active Member
That lighting should be fine. Place the brain on the sandbed. There is nothing special to do for them. Frogspawns should be fine also. :D


Thanks for the help. I was reading some other posts and they talked about spot feeding and then the next post said that they had never spot feed their brain. Any suggestions on that? Thanks again for the help.


IF you feed it about twice a week then it will help it recover faster. I have two brains and one of them had skeleton showing at one point, i just kept it fed and it recovered quickly.


Thanks, did you spot feed it with a piece of shrimp or did you use something smaller like invert food and spot feed it with a turkey baster?


what do you mean by the skeleton was showing wat does the skeleton look like? im just curios because i have a brain coral



Originally posted by LiveRock27
Thanks, did you spot feed it with a piece of shrimp or did you use something smaller like invert food and spot feed it with a turkey baster?

you can spot feed it with frozen brine and a small pipette. Thats what I do, or you can use larger pieces of shrimp.