open brain coral


I recently bought a open brain coral (Trachyphyllia). The coral was under VHO in the store and I have two tanks one with MH and the other with PC's. The store said I could put it under MH but it hasn,t expanded yet. That was two days ago, the book I have is pretty vague on Lighting and current with this specific coral. What has worked best for those that have it?


Active Member
You have it under MH lighting correct? If so, it has to acclimate to them ... IME they do best on the sandbed with low to moderate flow.


How deep is your tank? In my experiance they really dont like a lot light... If it doesn't start to look better where youve got it try moving it to a partially shaded spot.


It still hasn't opened, so I put it in my 55g under 2x96w pc & a 40w actinic. Lower flow and no shell mix. We'll see what happens. The other tank it a 20-25g tall with a 250w MH it's 22" tall with 5" sand bed made of smaller than sugar sized agronite and mixed with some cool broken shells (lots of pinks and purples) that I got off a beach in FL. I got a 5gallon bucket full, and it was free.