Open brain Placement?


New Member
Hello people. I have an Open Brain (like the kind that is bright red on the outside and green on the inside). I know not to place it near other corals because the stinging tentacles it lets out at night, but I was wondering about all the slime it lets off. Does the slime hurt anything? If anyone has an opinion please help.. Thanks


Active Member
My brain never puts out sweepers. I never heard of them doing so. Doesn't let off any slime either. At any rate you want to put the brain on the sandbead with enough room for it to expand without injuring itself on anything sharp.


Active Member
As stated put it on the sandbed ...also low to medium flow. If this is a new coral the slime could be from stress. Keep an eye on it .... it shouldn't slime once it's acclimated to the tank. :D