Open Brain


Active Member
Yes you can. I feed mine pieces of silversides. They 'should' at one point during the day extend out a row of tentacles that catch food... of course these tentacles are pretty short.. so you gotta hand feed them. When you see those tentacles just put a small chunk of food in them and they should s l o w l y wrap around it and take it in. I've had some that only showed tentacles at night, and some that only do it during the day... so keep an eye out. If it doesnt appear to show its tentacles try just putting a piece of food right on top of it and maybe it'll try to take it in anyways.


Active Member
i feed mine krill. the tenticles only come out after the lights are out in mine, or if the actinics have been on for a while.
they will eat anything raw, seafood, and meaty.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Speg
Yes you can. I feed mine pieces of silversides. They 'should' at one point during the day extend out a row of tentacles that catch food... of course these tentacles are pretty short.. so you gotta hand feed them. When you see those tentacles just put a small chunk of food in them and they should s l o w l y wrap around it and take it in. I've had some that only showed tentacles at night, and some that only do it during the day... so keep an eye out. If it doesnt appear to show its tentacles try just putting a piece of food right on top of it and maybe it'll try to take it in anyways.
Do you have to feed them? I have a small red green open brain and a large flat brain that are about a month or two old. I add alot of phyto and cyclopees in a blizzard. Is that enough? I have no silver sides, but should I be giving them frozen brine? How do I keep the fish from nailing it?


Active Member
It's tricky to feed coral when you have a bunch of fish/shrimp. When I feed mine I hand feed all the shrimp a small piece of silverside and feed all the fish and then feed the coral. Even though I do all that work sometimes the fish still rob stuff from the corals.
You dont have to use silversides, you can use small pieces of shrimp/squid/mysis/brine etc. Whatever you can stick in its tentacles it'll eat. Cyclopeeze and other zooplankton is not gonna work, you need larger pieces of food.


Active Member
i use a small skewer. i just dont put the piece of krill on very much.. so it loosely comes off.
i wouldnt recomend brine. its not very nutritious unless it is baby and live.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishieness
i use a small skewer. i just dont put the piece of krill on very much.. so it loosely comes off.
i wouldnt recomend brine. its not very nutritious unless it is baby and live.
With coral you're not going for nutrition like with fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Speg
With coral you're not going for nutrition like with fish.
ahhh, this is true. but then, why would you feed them? im sure the zoo inside the corals need some types of vitamins and such that they may not be able to get form the water. many corals dont need to be fed because of the zoo. because the zoo gives them enough nutrients. and if lighting is not sufficient, then the corals dont get the right nutrients, which is why we feed them in the first place?
you may be right, i jsut dont understand why you would feel a coral if nutrition wasnt an issue.


When I feed my corals and anemones with a skewer, my clowns try to rip the food off whether they've been fed or not, so I quickly move around in circles making the clown chase it down.
Anyway I think a skewer works great and it keeps your hands out of the water.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jafrench
When I feed my corals and anemones with a skewer, my clowns try to rip the food off whether they've been fed or not, so I quickly move around in circles making the clown chase it down.
Anyway I think a skewer works great and it keeps your hands out of the water.
haha, my diamond goby does that when i feed my puffer. he gets realy confused. but they are in a seperate tank. and my clown only eats off the top cause i spot feed him right there. if i bring something down on a stick he wont eat it unless it floats on the top.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Speg
It's tricky to feed coral when you have a bunch of fish/shrimp. When I feed mine I hand feed all the shrimp a small piece of silverside and feed all the fish and then feed the coral. Even though I do all that work sometimes the fish still rob stuff from the corals.
You dont have to use silversides, you can use small pieces of shrimp/squid/mysis/brine etc. Whatever you can stick in its tentacles it'll eat. Cyclopeeze and other zooplankton is not gonna work, you need larger pieces of food.

Ding, ding, ding. I just fedd candy cane, open brain and flat brain and they all went wild. I only hadd frozen brine formula and Formula II algea meat mix with garlic, but they liked it. I will go get some silver sides tomorrow. Thxs,


Active Member
Well its the same concept as someone eating nothing but McDonalds which we all known doesnt contain much 'good for ya' stuff vs someone eating a good diet. The one eating the McDonalds food isnt getting good nutrition, yet they are gaining weight. See? I hope that kinda made sense... got back from a long run and im pretty winded :p
Also to the person who fed their coral.. You dont HAVE to get silversides.. I use them as an example because thats just what I like to use. A lot of people dont like to use them because since they are fish they do contain bones. Frozen shrimp works just as well and doesnt contain bones. Just be sure to remove the exoskeleton and that sharp thing on their head.... someone can go ahead and give out the name of the 'sharp pointy thing' if they'd like ;)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Speg
Well its the same concept as someone eating nothing but McDonalds which we all known doesnt contain much 'good for ya' stuff vs someone eating a good diet. The one eating the McDonalds food isnt getting good nutrition, yet they are gaining weight. See? I hope that kinda made sense... got back from a long run and im pretty winded :p
lol. im sorry, i realy dont understand this analygy. are they gaining wieght? heck yes. are they healthy? heck no! if you dont get the vitamins and nutrients that you need, and just eat junk, you will have a hsort lifespan. i dont see how this wouldnt be different with corals. they are going to eventualy not get enough nutrients if youd ont have the proper lighting.


Active Member
Well... lets also say that the fat McDonalds guy gets a lot of energy from the sun and stuff floating around in the air then... hah
Coral builds their bulk by food, enough said there. Other important 'building-blocks' are taken from light and through the water.
Feel free to go buy two brains of equal size and feed one brine and one mysis and see which one does better. It would be a good experiment.. no?


Active Member
My retarded tang picks silversides out of the brain every time I feed it..... and it would be fine if he actually decided to eat the silversides.. but all he does is grabs it out and drops it. So I gotta keep my hand in there and make sure he stays away (which is annoying).


Active Member
Try the fish net thing I mentioned. I had the exact same problem. THe fish causing damage to him was a Kole tang. I think it was Wax32 that gave me the suggestion at one point... simplicity in itself.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Speg
Well... lets also say that the fat McDonalds guy gets a lot of energy from the sun and stuff floating around in the air then... hah
Coral builds their bulk by food, enough said there. Other important 'building-blocks' are taken from light and through the water.
Feel free to go buy two brains of equal size and feed one brine and one mysis and see which one does better. It would be a good experiment.. no?
that would be a good experiment. if i had the money for two brains id do it. oh yeah, and if my CBS wouldnt pick the food out. lol. but it jsut doesnt make sence. exactly, there are important building blocks. so i dont see how something with less nutrition, and vitamins containing much needed elements such as nitrtogen and carbon which is most needed for "bulking up" per say if none of these vitamines are present? sure, if you eat macdonalds all day you will gain wait. but its not like your body is goign to actualy grow at all. your fat cells are just going to expand in size.


Active Member
............................................................................ Maybe i'll try doing the experiment myself on two different candy canes... those blasted things are wicked hard to feed though! I shall give it a good effort and we'll see what happens in a couple months.