open fish


New Member
:thinking: i have a 55 gallon tank with 65lbs of LR
a small perc clown
two blue tailed damsels
1 green chromis
and a few corals
what would be a great fish without being too big for the tank that would remain out in the open most of the time?


i kinda like the 4 wheel drive gobies or a purple firefish goby.Both are reefsafeand dont create alot of bioload:)


Active Member
yeah .. a firefish would be a great addition .. or a sixline wrasse .. lots of color and would do great in your tank ..


Active Member
Originally Posted by Travis89
You could also try a dwarf angel.
yeeah .. a flame dwarf angel would be great!


New Member
yeah i used to have a bicolor angel fish but she seemed to hide anytime someone walked up to the tank! so im wanting one that is nice amazing and very open! so yeah