Open or Closed Top?

mr. green

I am not going to vote since mine would be both I guess. I am building a canopy for mine that will include a Reto fit T5 fixtures. It will be semi-open in the back for air flow along with two cooling fans. I would say the advantage to open top is cooling of the water and somewhere for the heat to escape. The disadvangate is evaporation and I guess you could get a jumper. Closed tops will hold the heat, but will have less evaporation.


This is actually interesting to me (the results). Very interesting indeed. I figured there would be more closed than this... ;)


Although not that fun to top off all the time, the evaporation is actually a good thing. It helps with the gas exchanges in the tank. = Open


Active Member
id say most reefers once geting into actual reef tanks switch from closed to open.... deffinately helps with gas exchange and PH also helps with keeping tank cooler with the hot lights most run


so the open is only so that water can evaporate... rite?... soo i take off the glass and put some kinda screen for the fish cuz i know some fishes can jump out of the water!