Open up a cold one...

nm reef

Active Member
and take a look....:cool:
Not a 6-pak this weekend but I do have a couple of new pics to share. Later this evening I'm going to try to get a full view shot of both my systems ... for now here is a close-up of my torch thats been in my reef for close to 15 months now. I've had a few polyps die off only to be replaced by several new ones.

nm reef

Active Member
This next pic is of one of my favorite corals in my lil reef....I bought this guy as a small golf ball sized piece about 18 months ago...he is currently one of the oldest corals in my system. When fully open it is close to the size of a football....loves a meal of any type of meaty food at least once a month. Actually lets me know when hes ready for a feast...

nm reef

Active Member
Here is a couple of my "keepers of the reef"... gotta have a few mobile creatures to keep a eye on the 50 or so corals in my lil 55...never know what they'll get up to when I'm away....

mr hanky

bubble coral (not very scientific lol) we call em green bubble corals or catz eye bubble. (lfs termenoligy) robby

nm reef

Active Member
Yup....metallic green bubble....I don't even try the scientific name....that latin stuff confuses my old mind.:cool:
Here is a pic I just took of one of my big red mushrooms...looks tasty huh...;)

nm reef

Active Member
Thanks slick....they all look much better in real life. I sort of hope santa brings me a new and better digital camera this year...:cool:
Here is another from green cynarina....looks to me like he knows its saturday night and time for a feast....


I just want to dive in your tank and go snuber diben around. :p


Love those clove polyps, mine are growing like crazy, mine seem to do better with a small amount of water movement.

nm reef

Active Member
Guppie there is a funny story associated with the aquisition of those clove polyps........they have been a great addition and I've actually started a few frags from the origional already. Mine are in a moderate current and seem to be doing well.:cool:

nm reef

Active Member system has been running for close to 2 years now...but I still consider it a infant.:cool:


My tank has been running for 5 months. How long do I have to wait for an anemone for my clown fish?
50/50 compact lighting 48"
geen metalic pylops
flower leather coral
lots of turbons
brittle stars X3
one shroom
Yellow tang
two damsels
tow clowns
Thanks for you advice

nm reef

Active Member
Personally I avoid them...they can be difficult to keep long term....can be disruptive in a reef system....require intense lighting and a mature/stable system. Plus clowns don't need them to thrive......I keep a tomato clown and at one time had a very nice BTA but the BTA is long gone(never to be replaced) and the tomato clown is still doing fine. Research anomone's carefully before you attempt one....for me I'll avoid adding another.I do have a condy in my fish only system....been there for over a year and its in great shape. I feed it directly a few times a week. If or when it expires I doubt very seriously I'll ever consider another...:cool:


Active Member
NM reef
Your tank continues to kick butt everytime I see it !
Love the pics - really like your coral selections, look healthy and ALIVE !
Beautiful ;)