operation 911 please help


oh tihs cant be good.....the two fish i had are dying....one is dead the other one is going....I don't know the water is fine..Nitrates and trites, and amonia are all 0...what cna i do
and im starting to see alage what do i do..please anyone
thanks:eek: :confused: :help:


how old is your tank? what kind of fish? did u get them from *****? are they new fish? how long were they in there?


tank is about a lil over a month and half old, 2 damsels, i got them from a LFS i've been going to for my whole life, ones new, ones not, one been there form the start :confused: i didn't know about a cocktail shrimp.....and the other one has been there for about 2 weeks....


what about the ph? and the algae is normal for a new tank. is it red velvet with bubbles or brown? u could of had a spike of some sort that is killin them the water wouldhave tested fine if the spike when away. r they just lying on the bottom or slime on them?


ph is fine...the fish were just slowly dying....no slime..and the algae is brown color...sand is a little browned too...i dunno what to do..:nervous:


Active Member
The brown is brown diatom dont worrie they will go away and your cleanup crew will eat them.
Do you have anywater breaking the surface of the tank?


Active Member
Breaking the the top of the water as in do you have something blowing water up to break the top. Pic below.
See all the ripples? You have to break the surfice of the water water so there can be gas exchange. Gas gets built up from fish waste and left over food. And if it cant excape an oxygen isnt let down then the fish will sufficate. One way of telling you need more Gas exchange is if the fish is breathing hard.


Active Member
Did you stick your hands in your tank with something on them? Like soap, detergent, cologne, gasoline, oil, beer, etc.


Active Member
Nice point wax. Also is the tank close to any place where you apply hairspray or anything that comes from a can?


My nitrates went back up...we tested them today..that could have been the problem....anyother idea...what should i do


Active Member
Subsrate=The stuff on the bottom of the tank (I.E Sand, Gravel, Crushed Coral, BB=Bare Bottom) So what do you use?


oh i use sand...i got it from my LFS....not live sand...but aquatic marine sand....that is getting algae too a lil bit..i have to wait to put inverts in...my tanks in getting tanked


Active Member
What is the temperature of your tank? Does the temperature of your tank fluctuate more than 2 degrees between night and day?
What kind of water are you using to do topoffs (tap water, RO water, distileld water?). What is the salinity/specific gravity of your water?



Originally posted by mudplayerx
What is the temperature of your tank? Does the temperature of your tank fluctuate more than 2 degrees between night and day?
What kind of water are you using to do topoffs (tap water, RO water, distileld water?). What is the salinity/specific gravity of your water?

temp is about 78-80..use conditioned tap water..i would like to know about RO. I have used tap water an have never had a problem...some people are against it...but i live in NY. and we have the best tap water...and i condiotion it...but i would like to know about RO