operation ivy is sick


has any one been in any good fights lately i all of a sudden got in liek 2 fights in 2 days the violence round my area is on the rise or it might be cause im angry and its summer anyways the second fight was about operation ivy the band soem kid siad they were fags so we threw down i finally one a fight anyways who here knwos op ivy and if u do we should ahve a chat about the band and how sick they are


Take a deeeep breath and realize that people can have whatever opinion they want...
If that guy thinks that band sucks, then to him, they do. It's not a fact that they suck, it's his opinion. Wanting to literally fight with a guy because his opinion differs from yours is...uuummmm...pointless.
I don't get the "role models" comment.


Active Member
you obviously know the difference between right and wrong just by the fact that you are telling us all about it.


yeha but i choose to disobye those basci rules of society so often for no apparent reason its becuase im a kid


its not like they are a new band or anything i mena its an old ska band and back in there day they were sick


You need to get a grip on life. If I wanted to I could pick a fight with people on my drive to work, at work, on my drive home....the opportunities are endless.
Not having a role model is not a valid excuse; neither is being a kid.


Active Member
Originally Posted by easy88
still no one has answered the call do any of u poepel even know who operation ivy is
I listened to them about 10 or 15 years ago. I remember riding my bike to all sorts of record stores in my area looking for Op Ivy bootleg vinyl.

nemo lover

I didn't have good role models and I turned out alright!!
Nope I donno who your talkin about..
I do know that not having a role model is just a excuse...I had to parents who were always intoxicated. We were lucky to get new clothes, or a birthday card..etc. All their extra time, and money went to supporting their habbit.
This is your life You have to deal with the cards you dealt. I tell you some good role model advise- If its illegal- its wrong, If you have to lie, cheat, steal, or fight its wrong. Go to school and graduate (having problems talk to your counselor, thats what thier for), get into a hobby. You like music right? Maybe playing a gituar or something. Can't afford it..excuses.. Make it happen(save or work harder).. also Get a job if you already don't have one this I think will help you with construtive critisism. If you still have alot of spare time.. look into volunteering at a local hospital, shelter, or with children who have specials needs. I think having a hobby will give you your space to vent and be yourself, volunteering could help you further your education(some offer scholarships for long time volunteers), you will probly find good candidates for a role model there also, and it might help you realize you don't have it that bad.
As far as your anger problems control it! In real life you get in a fight, you go to jail. You really hurt someone you might go to prison (the guys in there are not gonna be simpathetic for you either). Maybe find some new friends..and quit picking on other people their allowed to disagree.
hope that helps you...