ophiura help

blenny dude

hi ophiura i read you r the starfish expert. i have a 75 gallon tank. 3 years old. it is succeful, and a reef. i want a linkia star, and my lfs has many multiflora's in. are they hardier of the linkias? also how do i tell if they've been exposed to air? how do i tell if they are healthy?
Multiflora's are the "hardier" of the linckias found in the trade. And have been reported to do fine in smaller aquariums. I use the term lightly because all stars are finicky at one time or another.
All linckias (stars) need a stable environment that is well established. I know RyeBread has a multiflora in his 29 gal. and is so far successful. Just an example....not the norm.
As for a healthy specimen, it should be vibrant in color, no dull spots which might indictate stress, they arms should look plump, and firm not squishy. All arms should be undamaged (i.e. no cuts, ends missing, or deteriorating.) And finally look for unusual bumps on the underside of the arms, linckias can come in with a burrowing parasite on them, that will eventually lead to their demise.


Active Member
MCF has hit the nail on the head. :D
What are the tank parameters? especially pH, specific gravity, alk? Nitrate levels?
Multiflora's are perhaps the 'best' of the Linckia sp stars, though, as noted, none are particularly tough. But I think they would be OK in a 75g, assuming there is a good amount of LR in it. We have another member here who has them in a 75...perhaps a search for Linckia multiflora will help.
The exposure to air thing is a bit of an old wive's tale and I wouldn't worry too much about it. Again, look for one's that are firm, good color, no 'melting' or mucusy spots, been at the store more than a fea days (keep in mind that they will deteriorate up to a month after introduction, if suffering from osmotic shock.

blenny dude

thanks, i have 135 lbs of lr in my 75. plenty of rich rock. its a reef i hope it can live in it. so the air exposure thing should not be a problem. thankz!

blenny dude

i got him. i put him in my 29 instead like ryebreds. i have 70 lbs of lr in there plenty i'd guess for him. i hope he will be happy. my tank parameters are ggood. the sal. is at 1.025 and the ph is 8.0 i'm trying to raise it. nit and all is good. at 0. i have only 3 tanks so it should be good with the care level.
are they self sufficient ophiura what do thy exatcly feed on?