Ophiura - Id



Went to LFS today and picked up a yellow sarc frag, always wanted one. Among the debris that went with it was some type of snail that I thought was an empty shell, and another empty shell with something in it. Can you tell my the type of brittle I've found?


Active Member
Hmmm - 6 arms?
Well, it is one that will probably reproduce (by splitting)... :D
Maybe an ophiactid but hard to know for sure. Probably will not get very large, like some of the other hitch hikers. But unfortunately I would need the brittlestar and a microscope to know any more :) Donations willingly accepted. :yes:

A nice one!


Got another question for you Susan.
When I got up in the morning, I took a look at where I placed that shell with the star in it...it had moved several inches away, and there was a smaller shell near where it was. Seems a hermit found it and decided to change real estate. I didn't see any signs of battle or any body parts laying around. So the question is.
Would the scarlet hermit that took over the shell have killed, harmed or otherwise distpatched the little brittle? I hope it made it to some safty, there was some liverock very near it.


Active Member
I would be fairly certain it made it to safety. Maybe minus an arm or two - but that is part of the escape plan of a brittlestar so no harm done. I imagine that it found a nice space to hide in the shell, but could easily find a new place in the rock :) So (fingers crossed) I imagine it is fine. :D


I have a handful of these things. I call em mini-red-brittles. They are much larger than the micro-brittles, but waaay smaller than other common brittles.
with arms outstretched they may get to around 2" or so max
i love these guys.. at nite they have their little arms sticking outta the rock waving at me while i am shining a flashlight (or is that giving me the middle finger because i am disturbing them? :) )


seems to be a popular question :)
the large stony tank... doing great
the 75g softy/lps tank... doing great
i took down my pentagon as well as 2x 30g in a rack and just made a 75g tank for the dining room (should nice not having tanks upstairs on 95*F summer days... that and no more carrying water upstairs :) )


I have one like that too Thomas. But mine is about 1/3 the size of yours. Infact, I have been seeing him for over 2 years, but have only ever seen legs coming out of a rock. (they look more black and white). Just seems like the little guy never grows!!! I will be moving his rock in the next week to a new tank... hope I get to see him then!!!


Active Member
:notsure: Heres my newest discovery. Its about 2 inches. Came w/ the sponge yesterday at no additional charge.:thinking:


Active Member
That's purdy. Might be some sort of Ophiothrix sp brittlestar...or not. Hard to know for sure :) but brittlestars commonly inhabit sponges. Nice place to live.