ophiura is a shark?!


Active Member
Hey Susan Congrats,
BTW that Simon guy is one of our finest Brits! A dedication to our 'putting ourselves and other people down' attitude to life!
Oh but then he wasnt very popular over here at all....made too many people cry I think.
Tim :D


Active Member
And Tim...you guys sent us that nasty "missing link" woman too. At least I can have some sympathy for Simon, I mean, MAN, some of those people were terrible! And there were something like 10,000 of them! Argh! I would be nasty too.


said congrats to bang guy how could i skip out on the local starfish expert..? Like this! no Just kidding..:D You are definetly an asset to the board and look forward to you informative speeches..i mean posts :D ;) Bye!


Active Member
Man o' man,
Good things come in waves I guess. It is about time that Beth got some competition around here ;) . Good work and I am glad to see that all of your extensive research is paying off. Hopefully this will be able to help you out as much as you have helped all of us.
Congrats. :)


Active Member
HAIL QUEEN OF THE STARFISH:) , WOW another well deserved promotion, dont forget us little fish, Congrads:)


Active Member
I guess that's what I get for being home sick today and on the board. First one to notice Susan is now a shark:D Now, hmmm let's see, when I was the first one to identify Broomer's Dark Side of the Moon avatar, I won a prize;)


Active Member
But then I got in trouble and now they make me serve seaweed margarita's rimmed with instant ocean through a secret trap door refugium (so I can't see what's going on) to the shark tank on party night. Do like yours blended with oolitic sand or on the live rocks?:)


Active Member
Yes they were step-sisters and the other one which started out in much more wicked looking condition survived thanks to your help. I still haven't figured out what happened to mine except maybe the emerald crab or the fireshrimp picking at it just excaberated the problem. I'm sure hestitant to get another one although I really miss it. Loved the way it just languished around on a rock all day, then someone came along and with tongs and fed it every night, lights out and it went prowling....envious I guess;)


Active Member
welcome aboard susan
and don't listen to buzz, we won't. b/c
WE DO WANT YOU TO BE PREDATORY, to an extent. gotta live up to being a shark


Active Member
MAN BANG GUY, did you luck out
when we had our party, we had to wait several months for a newbie to buy, you got yours in the first week.
ps, maybe you ought ot tell ophiura what happens when I don't have enough beer:D :D :D :mad:


Active Member
Congrats Oph. I definitely look forward to more of your advice. You were a great help with my anenome questions earlier today. Much appreciated. Thanks, and congrats again. Woooooooo :cool:
Wrasse, I didnt know you were the first one to notice Broomers Pink Floyd avartar. That's awesome. I am a big fan of that one myself. Sweet. :cool: