Ophiura...please read!!!


You always say not to get the GREEN brittle stars...does this hold for serpent stars as well, and if so do you have a picture or the scientific name so that I can find a pic on the web? My LFS has a green serpent and Im not sure if this is the one you say not to get?
Thank you!!!


Active Member
Serpentstars and brittlestars are the same thing. There is no biological difference.
The species is Ophiarachna incrassata
Be warned, however, that not all are predators, and not ever individual of another species is "safe." Any individual of any species may display predatory behavior. That can't be easily predicted.


thanks for such a quick reply!!! :happy:
the one they have looks more like this one but is more green than tan...


Active Member
The green brittlestar listed on this site is Ophiarachna. The photo is a bit dark however. They tend to be relatively large as well.
Predatory means they pose a general threat to things like shrimp and small fish, possibly also snails...some reports of anemones, xenia also being favored but this is less common.