
blenny dude

i got my linckia multiflora and put int in my 29 gal instead of 75. i have 60 lbs of lr like ryebreds. i acclimated it for 4 hours is that good? it seems to stay in one spot for a while then moves a little to somewhere else about an inch away,. she moves slow, is that normal behavior for a linkcia?
thank you please help!


Active Member
Linckia do not typically move quickly. That is normal. What is the pH and specific gravity of the tank, and how old is the system?
No, many Linckia and things that are called Linckia but are not, reproduce through arm drops.

blenny dude

my salintiy is at 1.026. ph is at 8.2.
it stays in one spot for a while, like it's been on this one hole for about 3 hours now, it moves its arms and body around a bit. it might be hungry because of the lfs.