Opinion on CB shrimp.....


Ok, what are your opinions of a Coral Banded in a 25 gallon. Now, I haven't had too much probs with it with my clown, but yesterday, My wife got me and Anthia. About 1 1/2" long.(all my levels are good now, ammonia=0, phos=0, trates=20) The first thing it did was go right into the CBS' cave. Man, she grabbed ahold of that anthia by the dorsal fin and wouldn't let it go. Then the fish went back into there later and the shrimp went after it. I know, I should quarantine, but she bought it without telling me and the little tank isn't quite ready for fish. I sure hope it doesn't get ich, but at least there is only 2 fish in there. Anyway, you think there will be a prob in the small tank with the CBS being too big of a bully?


Active Member
Coral banded shrimps are preadatory and if they are big enough they will attack small fish. They are pretty cool creatures, but not worth the risk IMO. HTH


Yeah, I love my CBS, but It sure is being mean lately. The fish always have an eye on it and steer clear of it. Looks like they are getting stressed out. =( I'm going to try to put it in the 10 gallon with a small ocellaris clown, maybe 2 and see how it does. I will of course move my cleaner to my show tank.


Active Member
I think they will be fine once that fish learns to stay out of the CBS's home. Many animals will defend their territory.


Originally posted by NaCl-H2O:
<strong>I think they will be fine once that fish learns to stay out of the CBS's home. Many animals will defend their territory.</strong><hr></blockquote>
Yeah but yesterday, when the CBS was out walking around, if a fish got anywhere near it, she would jump at them. She had the anthia cornered by the pumps yesterday. So sad. I was :mad: <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" />


A friend gave me a very large CB shrimp, said he'd caused no problems in his 30g. I put him in my 58g and he was cool, until I caught him munching on my star polyps. He really had a craving for them, as he ate about 1/3 of them before I tore the tank apart to remove him. They're really cool critters, but keep an eye on them if you have soft corals.
just my experience


Ok. Update. The CBS was a cruel sucker. My fish would never come out of hiding. So, Friday night, I took the CBS out and put it into my 10 gallon tank and put my cleaner shrimp into the show tank. I also took the firefish and clown gobie and put it into the 25.
I now have 1 perc, 1 firefish, 1 orangespot blennie, 1 anthias and 1 tiny clown gobie in my 25 (probably about 6-7 inches of fish). I think I'm pushing the bioload and am thinking of getting rid of the firefish, but at least all the fish come out of hiding now. The anthias loves to swim through all the caves and I see the blennie scooting around. Boy, that CBS was mean. Now in the 10 gallon I put 1 purple stripe (on the head) psudochromis and 3 blue chromis. They all seem to do good together.


New Member
I have a CBS and I hate to say it but I HATE it. Ive een trying for weeks to get him out but he just goes to the same unaccesible spot. How did you get yours out without completely rearanging the tank?


Skeeter, it was so suprisingly easy!! My wife said I wouldn't be able to do it either. I have a clear plastic britta cup that I used, I waited until she was in the open, put the cup in and used a net to coral her into it. Took about 10 seconds. She went right in. My cleaner in the 10 gallon was harder as were the fire fish and clown goby, I had to tear it down for those critters.


I had a CBS in my 29 he didn't seem too bad, except he liked to chase the clowns, but he left the rest of the fish alone. the LFS i got him from said as long as you give him a cave to hide in he wouldn't be too bad. just make sure you can view the interrior, it's kinda cool to watch him hang upsidedown ;)


You have an anthias in a 25 gallon!! that is way to small. they need the biggest tanks even though they are tiny fish. they need more room than tangs! you should seriously rethink having him in such a small tank.


My wife was telling me that "we needed" a coral banded shrimp when we went to the lfs the dude netted it and in the process riped the claws of the thing so we did not get it. from what happened with you I am glad I did'nt get it

salty rick

I guess I will throw my two cents in. I guess I have been lucky. I have had several CB's over the last five years. None were ever that agressive. I have one in my tank now. It hides all day long and comes out at night. It seems not to bother the corals or the other fish. As I said, I guess I have been lucky.