Opinion on Seachem ammonia test


I bought this little Seachem ammonia alert tester that sits in the tank and monitors ammonia. It suctions on to the glass. If someone has it, they will know what I am talking about. Has anyone else used this and what is your opinion of it. Does it work? I tested with a Red Sea ammonia test kit today and it told me that I have .025 amount of ammonia in my tank. The Seachem says there is no ammonia. My leather corals, feather dusters, and hermits, seem to be doing fine. I also have a percula clown that is doing well. I am wondering which I should go by because i have some fish in quarantine that I just bought that I will be adding within the next few weeks.


we tried that in my store and it never read below the 2nd mark, so we put it into our goldfish feeder tank. If you dont know GF are dirty disgusting foul creatures hatched only to produce more foul beings but i digress. Ammonia is almost ALWAYS high in GF water and lo and behold the tester didnt change until 3 days later...it was as high asi it could go. We moved it back into a FW tank thinking that it needed time to adjust/get primed and it still reads that our discus tank has really REALLY high ammonia. apparently discs are dirty too ;-)
IMO they are trash :(


Well at least it sounds like it changes, though it does take a few days. My ammonia has tested the same in the past on Red Sea and the Seachem does not change. I may buy a different ammonia test and use it because I think the Red Sea test is bad too. It always tests at .025 and I know my tank is okay because nothing in it is unhealthy or dying. Is .025 unsafe?