Opinions, hows this sound?


New Member
I plan on doing a 10G micro reef. Heres what it will have:
15lbs crushed coral substrate
15lbs extremely porous rock(LPS says its great for SW tanks)
2-3 baseball sized corals(they do grow dont they?)
4-5 anemones
2 peppermint shrimp
1 tomatoe clown and maybe 1 percula clown
AquaClear 150 powerfilter
Sm powerhead(80gph)
15 watt actinic bulb(Coral Sun brand)
50 watt daylight flo bulb


first you want LS, about 4 inches of it. IMO CC is not a good substrate.
In that small of a reef ou are limited as far as bioload. you should limit yourself to 1 fish. You will not want to add corals for a while. You should also get LR instead of the Porous Rock.
I know money doesnt grow on trees, but if you are a first timmer, i would start with a bigger tank, you cannot get a a more complicated tank to start with then somethin the size of like a 10 gal


New Member
Thank you both. The only problem with the LR is that my none of the LPS within a 200 mile radius doesn't have any and they say they cant get any same thing with LS. I'm also maxed for space. I cannot get anymore tanks :(. LOL! I have kept a 5G FO for about 6 months that was my first saltwater(among globs of FW tanks). I thought the tomatoe clown would be about it, difficult is oK challenges are good.


You can get LR and LS online from many websites, including this one!
sometimes its cheaper getting it online tan at the LFS
I would recommend doing dome research before "diving in"


I agree with what every body else is saying. I would go with the LS and LR. Although, with such a small tank it might be difficult to order it from online, because it is usually shipped in large quantities. I would talk to my LFS is they have any saltwater stuff (which would be where I assume your buying your inhabitants, or some of them) than they would probably order some for you, because int the long run it would most likely be benefical for them. Just ask them about ordering some.
Also what type of anenomes are you planning on having. Four to Five anenomes is a lot for such a small tank. It is a tramendous bioload for the tank to handle, and it can cause it to become very unstable (especially when they start wondering).
Good Luck with your tank...And welcome to the board.