Opinions needed on tank


New Member
Hi! I wasn't sure where to post this. I have been thinking about starting a saltwater tank (with live rock). From what I can gather most of the cost/work is involved in the initial set up. After that, it is mainly comitting to regular maintainance and monitoring. I was searching craigslist.com and I found this listing: http://fayar.craigslist.org/for/764614431.html
I was hoping for an honest and informed opinion as to whether this is a good deal. I thought it might be a nice way to get most everything I will need to start up at a reasonable cost. Thanks in advance for your help!!!!


Active Member
i would say no. without calculating every single thing on that list, it looks to me like he's asking just about retail for that used setup.


+1 you can find a better deal than that. Dude has fake corals! two lights, two protein skimmers, two canister filters... All of that equipment would need to be upgraded to have a successful tank. Yeah he payed $3000 because he bought 2 of everything.
What kind of tank are you thinking about setting up? I would start with purchasing one thing at a time. Tank first, lights (based on what you want to have in the tank), other equipment (heater, sump?, powerheads, skimmer) then a huge cost is going to be your LR and sand.
Keep the Q's comin!
good luck


Active Member
i would just take the tank,stand,and live rock..all of his other stuff is kinda crap, like the light and the protein skimmer.....its an okay deal..130lbs. of live rock at a lfs will run u around $650 at $5 per lb..


Active Member
Originally Posted by aquaguy24
i would just take the tank,stand,and live rock..all of his other stuff is kinda crap, like the light and the protein skimmer.....its an okay deal..130lbs. of live rock at a lfs will run u around $650 at $5 per lb..
Tank and stand brand new would cost close to $700


Active Member
not a "custom made" one. you would have to take a look at it. it could be nothing more than some 2 x 4's and plywood. you can buy a 125 gallon tank brand new for 270 bucks. for 700, i'd want some hand carved mahogany or something awesome.


Active Member
i get live rock local for under 3 dollars a pound. i guess it would depend on what rock is going for in your area also.


Active Member
He clearly doesn't have a quality tank (fake corals and all) so you have no idea what quality his rock is. The lights are crap, not worth paying anything for them. He claims to have been taking care of SW tanks for 4 years and his setup is very basic.


New Member
Well, thanks for all your opinions. I think I may go look at the set up. I think I could offer him a much a lower sum ($600-700) since he is moving and can't take it with him (plus I don't think he has had much interest). It is just hard to know where to start. I am in the preliminary stages and it is kind of overwhelming.


Active Member
5-6 hundred tops, with those medications listed you know its been a problem tank. and if uyou buy it you could be in for a massive headache.
I personally wouldnt buy it for more than 400 most of the equipment listed isnt up to par, cheap skimmers, fake decorations insufficient lighting, you'll be investing a lot just to get it up to snuff not even considering the cost and effort of fixing what ever is wrong with the tank diease and parasite wise.


New Member
Oh, ok. Seems like I would probably be better off just starting from scratch. At least then I would only have myself to blame if it goes bad, and I can choose my own equipment. Thanks again!