Opinions needed on water flow


So here is the deal... previously I had added a few powerheads to my system maxi-jet 900's x 2 (230 gph) in addition to my canister filter (350 gph). However after reading the endless posts here about the importance of a skimmer in all size systems I went out and bought a skimmer for my tank (30 gallon tank, reef)...
Thus we arrive at my problem... the skimmer is driven by a maxi-jet 1200 pump... (295 gph)... so my total water flow right now is:
295 + 350 + (230)x2 = 1105 gph
which is 36 times the volume of the tank... a full 16x greater than every book I have read suggests.
So my question is should I remove the powerheads thus reducing my flow to 21 gph? Or is the cross current from powerheads more important in a reef ie should i get a couple different powerheads with less gph ratios... (and if this is the case can someone give me a suggestion on a specific powerhead)
The only reason i ask is im not sure if 'water flow' most people refer to is the common cross current created by powerheads or return systems like canister filters and skimmers.


What do you have for fish and corals? Most of the power heads you can turn the amount of flow down... try turning all of them to a lower level. The skimmer is a must imo and your tank will love you for this addition. If turning them down doesnt help you could take one out and see if that improves things.. you can always re sell it to someone. At least you wont loose all of your money spend on power heads.Good luck


The flow rates on your equipment are measured under perfect conditions. The canister filter pump only pumps 350 gph with no head and no filter media so it is really only about half of the total gph. The same is true for the skimmer pump and the maxijets ( which you could limit the flow on if you needed to)