opinions needed


Hi all,
I am new to this money pit of a hobbie but what an addiction!:bum:
I have enclosed a sketch of how I think my tank is going to look like. Please let me know if you think it might work and/or suggestions.
Questions I do have:
1)On the Return to the Main Tank does it have to be on the opposite side of tank (does make sence to do so)? It would work space wise and looks to have it come up on same side as the Overflow.
2)how big does the refugium / sump / returns need to be? They will be all contained in the same glass tank under the main tank.
3)How big skimmer / what names?
4)How big pump? I would like to have one pump run all if that is do able.

Thanks for all the help.
Kirk :D <img src="graemlins//freak.gif" border="0" alt="[freak]" /> :D

david s

looks like its gona be a beutiful setup only thing i was thinkin is maybe get tank drilled for overflow with a nice setup like that alot safer than siphon box


Thanks guys for your input. I hope it turns out as good as I imagine. I'll post progress on my new webpage <a href="http://www.cableone.netherbert4" target="_blank">www.cableone.netherbert4</a> That is also under construction.
I want to keep reef/inverts and a few fish. Not sure on which ones yet. I'll take that one set at a time. But I do know that I want color! :D
I plan to have 3 250watt MH 6500K, 4 VHO actinic for my lighting.
another question. How big does the sump and refug. need to be for 135gal tank?
Kirk <img src="graemlins//evilwhorn.gif" border="0" alt="[Evil Horn]" />