opinions on a 300 stock


Active Member
well my 300 will be here next week soooo
i currently have a
grey bamboo
cali ray
kole tang
and gold maroon clown
DEF. getting a male naso tang
can i get 2-3 yellow tangs to school? is it a definant they will or no?
if not what other cool bright fish can i keep?
i was also thikign of getting my male cali a girflirend!!
everythgin depends on one another such as if i get a cali then iw ould get a school probably etc. etc.


Active Member
I would say 3 yellow tangs would work if you added them all at the same time. I know you will have a 500 on the way, so this should not be in an issue, even in the long run.


Active Member
you should add some kind of eel to that mix! then itll be a pretty good mix of aggressive fish!


Active Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
well my 300 will be here next week soooo
i currently have a
grey bamboo
cali ray
kole tang
and gold maroon clown
DEF. getting a male naso tang
can i get 2-3 yellow tangs to school? is it a definant they will or no?
if not what other cool bright fish can i keep?
i was also thikign of getting my male cali a girflirend!!
everythgin depends on one another such as if i get a cali then iw ould get a school probably etc. etc.
a guy i work w/ has 5 or 6 yellow tangs that school together. i would deff get that naso
. i know what everyone says bout clown triggers but i LOVE them and have had the pleasure to own them. Had a 5inch trigger and lemonpeel angel, and the angel would pick on the trigger


Active Member
Originally Posted by seannmelly
a guy i work w/ has 5 or 6 yellow tangs that school together. i would deff get that naso
. i know what everyone says bout clown triggers but i LOVE them and have had the pleasure to own them. Had a 5inch trigger and lemonpeel angel, and the angel would pick on the trigger
PSU has a shark and ray. Why would you suggest getting a clown trigger?? That is a disaster for both the shark and ray. I know that PSU knows this and all, but it just bugs me when people give advice that they are not sure of.


Active Member
hey thanks guys,
and as lion said my 500 will be done by late summer of this year .
i wanted to add alot of different fish but i really cant get 5 or 6 fish that will all be compatible that i like(so if anyone has ideas on 5 different let me know)
so i guess im going to go with the male naso and then a school of either yellow tangs or somethign else. i would love ot go with purples but i can only imagine how aggressive they would be in a pack.
also is it a def. that 3 yellows would school if all added at the same time? or am i takin a chance that they will do their own thing? cause that would stink!


Active Member
There is definite chance that they may do their own thing. There was someone on here who kept 5 yellow tangs in one tank and they all did their own thing. Something makes me want to say that that person was Dogstar, but I am not totally sure. I do know however that the person said that all 5 yellow tangs just did their own thing and did not school in their tank.


Active Member
yea i read that as well lion..do you have ay other suggestions for 4 random nice fish??
and also i have my currentstock list in a 205, but my 300 will be here next week then they will move ot my 500 this summer


Purples are not any more or less aggressive than the yellows IME, just depends on the individual. Haveing an odd number is better than say two,1 with two they could leave each other alone,2 the bigger/tougher will dominate and submit the other, in turn the pecking order established,3 will constantly harrass, ick out breaks, and death possibly from stress. I had a tang a few years ago I had to return to the LFS; constantly harrassing everybody, tail swatting, and had our goby hiding under a rock all day. He'd come out for food and she wouldn't let him eat; chase him away...mean!


Active Member
well it hink im just going to go with a female ray for my male, one male naso tang and three yelloqw tangs


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hey lion the whole time ive been talkign to ya i just realized you have a Orbicularis batfish..i love them you think one will do alright in my tank?? pros/cons?
it sayss their not reef safe...do you have any polyps or shrooms do they bother them?


Active Member
o.k so heres my dilema adding to my current stock list i coudl do two things here they are
1.. get
3 yellow tangs
1 female ray
1 male naso tang
1 cowfish
1 Orbicularis batfish
1male naso tang
what would everyone do??


Active Member
Stay away from the cowfish, one wrong move and he kills everything in the tank including himself.


Active Member
ya i just read about that..i wasnt aware but def. not gettin one now..gues im gunna with the school of yellows or purples


Active Member
I would do the tangs. Batfish definitely need to be in a tank where they are the center of attention and the boss. Even though mine is not aggressive, everyone respects his authority in the tank.


a clown tang would be awesome i just got one like 2 weeks ago and is healthy and colorful but i think there aggressive when full grown and small mine picks on my puffer
and made him puff this morning