opinions on a coral beauty in a reef tank?


Active Member
What are everyone's experiences with keeping a coral beauty in a reef tank with a variety of corals?

cap'n pete

Well, I don't really have a variety but what I do have is left alone. My coral beauty picks on my astrea snails more than anything else. I think it's a matter of making sure the fish is not hungry. As with any captured fish, each one is different. You may get one that would starve before it touched a coral, or one that enjoys an occasional corally snack. Just weigh the pros and cons. If you get a coral beauty will you be willing to tear your tank up and spend hours trying to catch him in case he starts nibbling? HTH

indy mike

I have one that is completely harmless. He swims in and out of the live and picks at algae but is never agressive with the other fish. I have a dottyback that is territorial and the coral beauty just ignors him and goes about his business. I think they are one of the cooler looking fish for a reef tank. Good Luck :)


Active Member
My coral beauty never hurt anything but some do eat corals even if you keep them well fed. It just depends on the fish, and like posted above are you willing to tear your tank apart trying to catch him?

nm reef

Active Member
My coral beauty has been in my 55 reef for over a year with 40+ corals and its never bothered any of them...but some folks swear that they will munch corals...like stated it seems to depend on the luck of the draw. Mine was a lucky draw I suppose!!
Personally I think a coral beauty is a beautiful fish with a calm peaceful nature that will add excellant color and motion...but beware of their tendacy to nip at corals! :cool:


i have never been able to keep a coral beauty for more than a few days so i stay away from them for obvious reasons. a 20 will be fine for a while


The Coral Beauty is a beautiful fish. It has been my experience that if they are well fed they will leave most corals alone but it will vary by individual. Their are actually two Coral Beauties available on the market. I wish I could remember the two areas they are collected but I believe one is the Indian Ocean (please help here). It has a red stripe or line alone its top fin and is a little more colorful.
The Coral Beauty likes to pick at algae on the rocks and it loves to swim around and through the rocks. It is an explorer and is easily bored. This may be the reason that in some tanks it picks on corals. Boredom. I have found that if I givemy Beauty alot to do, that is alot of LR to swim around, it remains happy and doesn't start picking on things. This is the best environment for them. Good luck.


I have never had a problem with my CB picking at any corals. Once in a while I will catch it picking at the rock that my glove polyps are on, and this looks like it is picking at the coral, but it is the rock the fish is after. Other than that I agree that if you give the fish adequate rockwork to swim in and out of, as well as a variety of foods it is a fairly reef safe fish (this is just in my experience, of course).

spider crab

Are there other dwarf angels (CB's are dwarf angels arent they?) that people have had luck with in a reef tank. I've given some thought to a lemon peel or a Flame Angel.


Active Member
I'm pretty sure that flame angels are safe in reef tanks. They are the more hardier of the dwarf angels IMO.