Opinions on fish list and compatability


I keep tossing ideas around about what fish I want in my 58 that is currently being setup. I am positive it will house a dwarf lion, but I am having a hard time building around that. My current idea is to have a dwarf lion, kole tang, and possibly a SFE. There will be heavy skimming, so I do not anticipate a bioload problem. My main concern would be the compatability of the tang in that enviornment. Besides obvious space issues that the tang police might have, are there any other things I should worry about? I would introduce the tang last, once the tank is well established, if that makes a difference.


i wouldn't do the tang in the tank personally, unless you got it really small and planned to give it a new home once it got too big.
what about a spanish hogfish or flamehawk? you could also do a dwarf angel-flame and coral beauty are 2 of the most popular.


Gonna have some polyps and soft corals, so an angel is out. Why would you advise against the tang, other than size restrictions.


well, the kole tang is one of the harder tangs to have, but it is a very cool fish. I just know how my tang loves to swim the whole length of the tank and I have a 125 and still feel bad for him sometimes, I wouldn't put another big fish in the tank so that he has lots of room, but that is just my opinion.
well, let me tell you. I have a flame angel in a reef tank and he dosen't bother anything in mine. now, I'm prob just lucky, but it can be done.