Originally Posted by Quil
Three inches is nothing for a dwarf species lionfish...trust me, I learned it the hard way. I had some aiptasia kicking up, so I figured toss a peppermint shrimp in there. I went and found the biggest pep I could find, and let him go into the tank. He wasn't in there for 30 seconds (literally) before my fuzzy had inhaled him...
Also, I don't think think you'll find too many fuzzies bigger than a fu...but if you like the looks of the fu better, then you should go with that one.
I've had at least some difficulty getting every lion I've owned to target feed off a stick, but almost all of them will gulp down mysis like it's candy. Just try to wean them off of that and onto krill, sliversides, etc as soon as possible. I think adding the garlic helps some as an attractant. I've had lions go well over a week without eating, too, so just know that it is normal if that happens to yours. Good luck!
now when you say garlic.. do you mean actual store bought garlic?.. like the cloves?, or is it from my lfs made special for fish?, and if it is from a store, how do i cover the food in it?