opinions on # of inverts


I already had my question of how many nassarius snails for a 90 gallon reef w/sand bed, but how many total would you put in of:
1. Ceriths (already have 20)
2. Emeralds (already have 5)
3. Scarlet hermits (already have 50)
I feel like I don't have enough of either.


Active Member
I wouldn't add any more scarlets or emeralds personally. Instead of more numbers, how about more diversity? What else would you like?


I am open to any other recommendations. I will be getting some nassarius (still not sure how many though) once my sand establishes a bit more.
I recently moved all my blue legged hermits to my non-coral-friendly-fish only 40gal. when I moved my tanks. I took out the blue leggeds because I wanted scarlet and didn't want the blue leggeds killing them all.
Besides corals and fish, I have:
1 cleaner shrimp
1 coral banded shrimp
~10 queen/fighting conchs
~10 banded trochus snails
plus the others mentioned above


Active Member
Tried a single sand sifter in my 90.....eventually died after about a year and a half of decimating most of the life in my sandbed....starved I assume.....two would have no shot. Why do you feel you need more cleaners? where is the trouble?


Before I moved the tank, I was battling a red hair algae problem and had been waiting to restock/diversify my cleaning crew until I moved. Since then, I got the 5 emeralds, 20 ceriths and all the scarlets, plus moved all the blue leggeds devils. The algae is doing better, although I don't know how much is due to a total housecleaning plus scraping some off during the move. I want to have enough numbers and diversity in a crew to keep the reef stable and prevent the algae problems. I just wasn't sure if I'm currently there.
I haven't seen too many people advocate the sand sifting stars on this board due to wiping out the sand bed.
Sammy, when you said you'd like to see more diversity, what did you have in mind?
btw, I forgot to mention that I also have 1 blue tuxedo urchin (who I witnessed pooping for the first time yesterday - very odd)!


Sammy, when you said you'd like to see more diversity, what did you have in mind?
Thanks Yeller for your insight.