Opinions on Reef Tank Start Up


New Member
I am considering getting a 100gal. tank
w/ a solid wood stand and would like some
opinions on set up/ start up for a reef
tank. I have a 55gal fish only tank that
originally belonged to someone else and
when I bought it the tank was already
"seasoned." This tank will be brand new
and will not be the kind that has pre-
drilled holes for "sumps?". I cannot afford
a chiller so I prefer not to go with
halide lighting. What else is best? If
someone can give me brand names on filters,
etc., it would be great! Also, what kind
of filtration system is best for this kind
and size of tank? What kind of heating
element do I need? I read that I need 5
watts per gal., then I read that I could
use a 200 watt heater for this 100gal. tank.
I am still pretty novice and have not
had much experience with the most up to
date equipment as my current system came
to me with basic or outdated attachments.
Any help would be greatly appreciated as
many people have given me so much contrasting


First off... I don't think you should shy away from Halide lighting with such a big tank.. 100 gallons is alot of water to have to worry about heating it up to a bad level.. My experience with Halide light ing has been wonerful. I have had no problems with anything bleeching out on me or problems with any types of algae. I have gotten away from the old rule of thumb as far as how much light is enough. I know it normally is about 5 watts per gallon... BUT I have a 15 gallon designer tank from All-Glass Aquariums which is about 20 inches tall and 13 inches square for length and width. With that said I have a 175 metal halide pendant above it. That brings my average up near 11.5 watts a gallon.. Granted people might say it is over kill but it is working great for me.
Anyway, onto your other concerns. Sumps.... Just because you don't have a pre-drilled tanks doesn't mean that you can't use a sump.. All you would need to use is an (or a couple) of overflow boxes which feed your sump below.. I think that you will find that works better and it is cleaner looking... In addition to that you can hide some powerheads nicely in that much water to help with movement. CPR makes a great overflow box that intrudes very very little into the tank. And on top of that you won't have any unsightly J tubes hanging all over. Here is a good site for some pictures of them http://www.reeffanatic.com/filtration-overflow.htm
As far as any other concerns about "seasoning" the tank. I would image you mean "curing" the live rock. Which basicall takes care of itself. Just don't rush it and add a bit a rock until you are happy and then let the tank cycle through the Ammonia and Nitrite stages with little light (could cause crazy algae if you use too much light before you have any biologic activity present in the tank). I think the key is patience.. Go slow and you will have to take less steps backwards.. Good Luck...


i don't know a lot about that lighting but i do know that for a 100 gallon tank, 200 watts is not enought for a heater, you will need to get a 300 watt heater.
good luck!


Since you live in GA. I would worry about heat from your light source. It does depend on what type of corals you want to keep. 5 watts per gallon is the least you want to have. There are exceptions to that rule depending on tank dimensions and what corals you keep. For most corals VHO or Compacts will work great. If you want to keep clams and some hard stony corals metal halide is a good choice. As far as other equipment don't skimp. I would buy a protein skimmer thats rated for 1.5 to 2 times your tank capacity, this goes for mechanical ( carbon ) filters also. I really hate naming brands as this is open to too much debate. Shop around and look at as many reefs your size to see what equipment they run. I believe in buying what I have seen work when it comes to investing a few grand in this hobbie. As far as your heater goes I would use two 200 watters, one as a backup. I have a 55g reef with no sump, but will add one this week just for a place to put skimmer, heaters, and filter.
Have fun!