Opinions on tonga branch rock


Active Member
ok i'm trying to figure out what kind of rock to get for my 75 and I already have 60lb of Hawaii base rock, I was considering getting 36lb of Lalo rock and 24lb of Tonga branch rock to go with the lalo, thing is i don't see many people using tonga branch, one problem i see with it is limited room for coral placement but I wanted to get some of your opinions on it, perhaps if you have a tank with tonga branch you could post a pic so I could see what you're doing with it


Active Member

Originally posted by ppaauull
will show pics but in the mean time i used tonga has the structure of the foundation of my design i did this so no exess food or waste gets trapped underneath rock hermits and star s and snails all have get to it because i had a promblem with my levels because of waste stuck in spots that the cleaner crew could not get to i have alot of rock but i can easily get to where ever i want now with out destroying the tank (reasons like to get to those hard to get places if you have aptasia):speak:

punctuation is your friend.
Actually, I had a very similar question that I asked a while back and got no responses. I found an LFS that sells tonga, and I almost bought some over the weekend. I look forward to seeing what all of you have done in your tanks.



Originally posted by zanemoseley
I already have 60lb of Hawaii base rock,

I didn't think you could get anything from Hawaii?
I like Tonga branch, I've used a little of it in my 150.


Active Member
the hawiian base rock is dry rock thats left over from when they widened a canal or harbor or something like that, some guy on ---- I believe his name is HIROCKS sell it for about $1 shipped, it looks awesome and has tons of holes and stuff


Active Member

Originally posted by Guppy Slayer
Why not get a mix of different LR

well I already have 60lb of Hawaiian baserock and was thinking of 36lb of Lalo and 24lb of Tonga Branch, thing is 24lb of branch probably turns out to be quite a bit of rock since the pieces are so slender and I was just wondering what people did with it


Active Member
I have 100 lbs of Tonga Branch in my 100g, along with a bunch of Fiji LR as well. I have been happy with the branch. I bought two boxes of it. Some pieces were smaller, but I got several nice large ones as well.


I've used some tonga ridge, which is similar except for shape, and I like it. I have only a piece or 2 of the branch, and I can't find it too useful to make natural shapes. May just be due to my preferences in shapes... But the tonga variety of rock: ridge, slab, branch and kaelini are nice. All deep water and usually big pieces.



Originally posted by zanemoseley
the hawiian base rock is dry rock thats left over from when they widened a canal or harbor or something like that, some guy on ---- I believe his name is HIROCKS sell it for about $1 shipped, it looks awesome and has tons of holes and stuff

Thanks for the kind words :D
The base rock that comes from Hawaii is dredged in and around surrounding harbors. The State of Hawaii uses this rock for road construction for as concrete is way to expensive to ship 2500 miles across the ocean. The base rock was formed in the ocean and provides a great platform for aquaculture. Being made of a calcium carbonate, I couldn't think of a better way to save a few dollars (we all know how expensive this hobby could be) & enhance the overall contrast of the tank. By placing a few pieces of Marshall Island or Tonga LR in and amongst the base, you'll be amazed at the outcome. Within a few months/year, you will have a hard time telling the difference.
Heres a pic. thats some tonga on the left. Please disregard the green alge :rolleyes: my ro/di unit will be here wends. My Rasta leather is a little PO'ed at me too. Just moved him.........


yea i have some tonga in my tank...the only problem was for me was to find a place to place it...i jused it as my base for my other rock...turned out really nice


Active Member
It's a real pain in the butt to find all of it a home, being so long and unbalanced.:D
I never tried it being the base huh might have looked good.


I like my 10 lb piece by far the best rock in my tank(mostly figi)


Active Member

Originally posted by ppaauull
hey jacksonpt why would you quote me i dont understand?

I was trying to tell you that using puncutation makes your posts much easier to read. When you type out an entire paragraphy and don't use any perionds, commas, or capitalization, it makes things very difficult to read.


Active Member
I love the look of tonga... much more random looking, especially when there's a lot of it in a tank - it doesn't look so "arranged". I just got my first 2 pieces last night, about 8lbs total. I've got to find a good way to place it. Might be tough to get it stable enough so I know it won't fall/collapse on any corals. Regardless, I love the look of the stuff.


Active Member

Originally posted by ppaauull

Um, LOL... ok, I'll get right to work on that.