Opinions on tonga branch rock


Active Member
well I can't decide, I think 24lb of branch rock in my 75 may limit my coral placement, I've got a feeling I just gonna have to make a last minuite decision as to which LR I'm gonna use


Relax guys its only a thread.

Its a time of giving.
Here is a photo of my 55g with about 50# Fiji and around 30#'s of Branch Tonga. THis rock it really sweet, just hard to sit just right though.
Enjoy :)


Are you sure it's Hawaii Rock?
I didn't think they would send it off the island. I lived in Hawaii some time back. It was bad luck to remove lava rock from the island. They say Pele puts a bad luck curse on anyone who takes rocks from the island.


Active Member
the HI rock is base rock (DRY - not live) and the branching rock is excellent for growing zoo's on .... I have one sweet piece in my nano now and it is getting covered with zoo's ....
I think a mixture of rock is for hte best!


Active Member
Not that it means much at this point, or without any pics, but I picked up 2 pieces of tonga rock (about 8lbs) and I absolutely love it. I realize I only have 2 pieces, but if future pieces are anything like these pieces, I'll have no trouble placing corals.
I'll probably leave one or two pieces of Fiji in the tank so my anemone has a couple larger rocks to bury his foot next to/under.


HEre's a pict. of my tonga. I have 3 or 4 pieces you can see two of them here. My anemone had occupied one of them for a while before moving on to it's next location.