opinions on....



They're really expensive, I personally don't know of anyone who has one, the basic idea is more or less just copying off of a refugium which is sound, you could just create a fuge add mineral mud and the plants for way less and have the same thing. Also I think that plant needs to have light on it 24-7 to prevent it affecting the water chemistry at night, not sure though.


Active Member
I don't see that the system has any mechanical filtration. Most tanks need mechanical filtration also. Other than that, it has the biological filtration down. Lesley


I try to avoid mechanical filtration, other than what some carbon will filter. As long as their isn't a large fish load you can still have great water clarity.
I'd be curious on how it works for you if you two pick it up instead of your canister. I wouldn't switch over night though, but gradually let the ecosystem take off for awhile first. Do you have a sump/fuge yet?


Go to the ecosystem web site and send them an e-mail. I've been planning out a new sump and they were good enough to mail me plans on how to build my own to be the same as theirs.
If you already have a spare tank, all you have to do is add some baffels at the locations shown in their plans. Then the large cost is reduced down to the cost of the mud - which btw is still not cheap.
They can also step you through the recommended procedure to migrate an existing tank to the ecosystem setup.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by barnaclegirl
was wondering what everyones opinions were on the ecosystem filtration? any feedback would be helpful

based upon the responses this far and your statement that now you only have a canister filter, why do you not try a combined wet/dry, refuguim? or even just the refugium. It can cost a lot less than the canister if you diy it. And the added plant life will be much better for your system.