Opinions: Overflow Boxes or drilled overflows


Would like some of your opinions on this subject from people that have use both. Which do you prefer?
I like the fact with a overflow box that you have more room in your tank but they seem to be noiser than a drilled overflow. Getting ready to order a 180gal don't know whether to order it predrilled or just use overflow boxes.


Active Member
go drilled.
the only thing i don't like about mine is how much air goes down into the sump. but, i've also just found out about reverse durso standpipes and i'm going to try one.


Active Member
I have 2 tanks with HOB overflows, one drilled in operation, and one drilled that I am still building. I'll never buy an HOB overflow again if I can help it.
HOB overflows are pretty reliable, but the chances of them failing are far greater than a drilled overflow. I'm tired of worrying during every vacation that I'll come back to a flood.


Active Member
Drilled all the way...I bought my 180 used and it only had 1 overflow box..D'OH!
Was going to add another but didnt..Just so happend to work out that with the pump back throttled it made a nice ballance..


Active Member
Originally Posted by NigerBang
Drilled all the way...I bought my 180 used and it only had 1 overflow box..D'OH!
Was going to add another but didnt..Just so happend to work out that with the pump back throttled it made a nice ballance..
YAHAHAHAH got to another one first!!!


Okay I will see if I can get this answered here then try another post if it does not work.
How big of a bulkhead am I going to need to get 10X flow (1800gallons per hr.)? I was going to do 2 corner overflows. So I will have 2 drain pipes. What size should I have on each one?


Active Member
Originally Posted by andy51632
Okay I will see if I can get this answered here then try another post if it does not work.
How big of a bulkhead am I going to need to get 10X flow (1800gallons per hr.)? I was going to do 2 corner overflows. So I will have 2 drain pipes. What size should I have on each one?
You don't want to do this. You are trying to merge two filtration ideologies into one: Flow rate and filtration.
It's generally not a good idea to try to achieve all of your turnover with your main filtration loop. Instead, you may want to cocentrate on passing enough flow through your filter to support the filter's operation, and make up the remainder of the flow using either closed loop(s) or powerheads.
to answer your question, if you want 1800gph, you'll probably want a 2" bulkhead.


let me give you a rough idea of my setup and what I plan as far as filtration goes and maybe you could give me what you would recommend as far as flow rates through it.
I am plumbing through my basement with tank on main floor. Would like to stick with 2 corner overflows. Filtration will consist of a chaeto, big pieces of lr, and some hermit crabs, snails, baffled to skimmer, then external water pump all in a 55 gal tank. Then I will have a seperate refugium with live rock, DSB, micro algaes, and fuge mud. Probally like a 29gal tank with a bulkhead and hooked to main pump area via pvc and gravity.
What would you recommend for flow through these and flow through my entire filtration system?


Active Member
Drilled is the best....very little risk of flooding compaired to the cumbersom hang on the back mess. Lesley