Opinions please on filtration


Ok. my saltwater tank has been doing great. I have a 55 gallon with 55lbs of live rock.
A protein skimmer "by the way it's doing an awesome job", 60lbs of reef sand, my levels are all perfect, zero nitrites, ammonia, etc. Tank is going on 2 months old. I am currently using 2 other filters in the tank an aqua clear 200 and a Skilter filter. Do I need these now or will the powerheads I have 2 of them 300gph models and the protein skimmer be enough? Fish:Seabae clown, Koran angel-will be leaving when it gets larger, and 6 small damsels. Thanks in advance for your advice!


Active Member
I would remove the aqua clear 200 and the Skilter filter myself. You can always add powerheads for more circulation. I do not see that they are "needed"... the only problem may be is if something in them is acting as a bio-filter. Does either one have a bio-wheel, bio-balls or other bio medium??


No I was just using them with carbon, ammonia filters and a sponge for large debris.
No bio....Thanks, Joe.