opinions wanted


hmm lets see my list of fish that I DO have in my 125 reef
tank is 2 yrs old. been upgraded from a 29gl to a 45gl to now the 125gl.
2 maroon clowns ( mated ) ( 2 yrs )
1 hippo tang ( 1 yr )
1 anchillies tang ( 1 yr )
1 yellow tang ( 2 yr )
2 green chromis ( 1.5 yr )
1 purple spotted goby ( 1 yr )
1 blenny ( 6 months )
1 coral beauty ( 8 months )
1 fuzzy dwarf lionfish ( 8 months )
1 clown goby ( 1.4 yr )
2 blue throat triggers ( male and female paired will be added with in next 6 months )
1 Cleaner Shrimp ( 1 yr old )
50 hermits ( assorted red lef white leg and others )
100 snails ( assorted turbo, mexicans, and others )
1 coral banded shrimp ( 3 yrs old )
the tank will be split up in half in about a yr. i am buying a 180 for my new house and the 125 is staying where it is. ( currently at in laws house )


Any type of fairy wrasse would be gorgeous, especially if you had more than one species. I especially like Scott's Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus scottorum) and Cirrhilabrus lineatus myself. Triggers in the genera Melichthys and Xantichthys would make a spectacular centerpiece to any type of reef tank and would only bother crustaceans. The watchman gobies would make very interesting inhabitants once they find a pistol shrimp to live in mutualistic association with. Pseudochromis would be beautiful and give your tank some activity, as would dwarf angels in the genus Centropyge (try the Coral Beauty again...I see no reason why it couldn't work in your setup), although you'd have to watch the dwarf angels since they can be a little nippy sometimes. Some other suggestions: hamlets, chalk basses, damsels in the genus Chromis, flame hawkfish, Fu Manchu lionfish, possum wrasse, golden moray (this moray is only about 8 inches long and has been kept in nano reefs before with no problems), and once you get more experienced, wrasses in the genera Anampses and Macropharyngodon. Hope this helps.