Opinions Welcome


I have a 29gallon reef with 30 pounds of live rock. It has been up and running for about 6months as of now I have a Banggai Cardinal,Ocellaris Clown,and a Yellow Watchman Goby. I have a few mushrooms and some zoo's as well as a Coral Banded Shrimp and a Brittle Star. I was thinking of adding a Sixline Wrasse. I am wondering if you all think that is too much for my tank. I was also considering a Firefish maybe even both. I kind of want the wrasse over the Firefish but what do you guys think any opinions would be welcome as well as suggestions of other fish I might consider. Any help is appreciated.
Thanks- :happyfish


I only have a year of experience with my 30 gallon, but I added things very, very slowly. I started with Damsels (2) and waited about 3 months and added my clown, 3 more and added a goby and a PJ Cardinal, 3 more and added a Royal Gramma. I got rid of the Damsels and now have my clown, goby, PJ and Royal Gramma and was told the other day that I'm probably at my limit. You may want to double check with others on the board, but I would say (depending upon the size of your current fish) you are probably close to the max limit. Hope this helps!


I have decided that I am getting the sixline but I am wondering about an Urchin? I think they look really cool and would be awesome in a tank but I am not really sure how they are with soft corals like mushrooms,leathers,zoo's,ect?